Information & consent

Information about Neuro Heroes classes

Neuro Heroes offers physiotherapist and personal trainer-led group virtual exercise sessions for people living with a neurological condition. 

Aerobic exercise, resistance training, balance rehabilitation and gait re-education have all been shown to be beneficial in neuro conditions, and are therefore considered physiotherapeutic treatment options for people living with conditions such as Parkinson’s or MS. Other options for physiotherapy treatment and management include 1:1 hands on therapy sessions, movement retraining, 1:1 exercise sessions, face to face group exercise, hydrotherapy, independent exercise or no treatment. Participants engaging in Neuro Heroes classes will be offered a free trial session so they have an understanding of the approach and style, and of course can choose to stop exercising with Neuro Heroes at any time. 

Nature and purpose of Neuro Heroes classes

Neuro Heroes virtual classes are designed as an adjunct to other therapies and exercise an individual chooses to take part in to help manage their neurological symptoms. Sessions will include a warm up and exercises in standing or sitting that will challenge aerobic fitness, balance, coordination, muscle control, strength and stiffness. Some exercises may take place in sitting or on the floor, but alternative options will be provided if participants aren’t comfortable to safely move on and off the floor. Where possible, participants will be grouped together based on ability but there will still be variation in what participants can achieve, and adjustments will be made for this.

Establishing good exercise habits is vital in disease and symptoms management in neurological conditions. Helping people stay motivated to exercise regularly is an important objective of the sessions. Broadly, the purpose of the exercises demonstrated in classes is to allow participants to be guided and supported in movements that will challenge and therefore, over time maintain or improve, aerobic fitness, balance, strength and functional movement patterns. Exercises that the physiotherapist deems appropriate and beneficial for common condition specific symptoms in their anecdotal experience, will also be included in the sessions.  At the end of each session stretching exercises will be used as a cool down. 

Potential risks, benefits and side effects of Neuro Heroes classes

Participation in all forms of exercise comes with risks and side effects such as risk of exacerbating known health conditions, injury, dehydration, fatigue and delayed onset muscle soreness. All of these risks apply when participating in a Neuro Heroes class, as does the risk of falling. Filled in correctly and completely the Neuro Heroes assessment form will provide information on each participant’s medical history and level of risk which will be reviewed on an individual basis and discussed in more detail if deemed necessary. 

It is important to challenge stability when attempting to use rehabilitation to have a positive impact on balance. Risk of falling will be managed and minimised where possible throughout the class with advice on adapting the environment and exercises to the correct level of challenge for each participant. Individual participants are asked to only carry out exercises they are confident in doing safely, and are asked to stop exercising and alert the physiotherapist at any point if they feel unwell or dizzy. In the event of a significant event all attendees not involved will be asked to leave the class and the physiotherapist will contact the relevant next of kin, and keep in contact with the participant until sufficient assistance or medical help arrives. 

Benefits of taking part in Neuro Heroes classes might include improved quality of life, slowed progression of your condition, improved symptom management and lower levels of fatigue. People who exercise have a lower risk of developing heart disease, type 2 diabetes, stroke and some cancers and evidence shows physical activity can boost self-esteem, mood, sleep quality and energy. Exercise is medicine!

The team involved in your care with Neuro Heroes

Each Neuro Heroes class is run by an experienced specialist neuro physiotherapist or personal trainer with a special interest and training in your condition. The therapist might change at short notice but will always have knowledge of participants’ medical history, risk assessment and involvement in previous sessions. All therapists running Neuro Heroes classes will be trained in our approach and will work within the scope of their therapy practice, but will bring with them their own experience and exercise perspective. Participants can contact the therapist running their class with questions at any point. No student physiotherapists will be responsible for running a class at any point. 

Costs involved in attending Neuro Heroes classes

Every participant will be offered a free trial session so they have an understanding of the approach and style of Neuro Heroes sessions before choosing to sign up to any further paid for sessions. Each one hour virtual session will be charged at £10, paid in advance to secure a place in the class. Each Empower course will be charged at a rate deemed appropriate for the length and content of the course, pain in advance to secure a place on the course. Payments are made via the payment provider Stripe on our online events page. Stripe supports the secure electronic transfer of money between a customer and merchant and payment will be followed by an email confirmation with a link to the class on Zoom which will be active at the start time of the session. All sensitive payment details such as card numbers are never seen by Stripe. Stripe is accredited with level 1 PCI/DSS compliance which is the highest level of security compliance for the payments industry. 

Consent to physiotherapy treatment and exercise with Neuro Heroes
Please ensure that you have read and understood all of the above information, and send any further questions to for discussion prior to booking into any Neuro Heroes classes. If you are unsure if the classes are right for you, please discuss this with us before booking. By logging into each Neuro Heroes class on Zoom, it is assumed that participants have understood the information offered, have had the opportunity to ask questions, and they are giving informed consent to take part in a virtual group physiotherapy session that will be varied and challenging in its nature. All participants can choose to stop exercising with Neuro Heroes at any time.